Baptism is More Than Necessary 

John M. Buttrey II

  I remember well a Bible discussion I had with a “pastor” of a community church. He was telling me that they believed like we do regarding baptism. As we talked, he told me very clearly that he believed baptism was necessary. Such a statement would excite many members of the church of Christ. Indeed, some have even been led astray by such statements. “Led astray?” you ask. Yes! You may be wondering, if someone believes baptism is necessary, how would they be led astray? How is that any different than what we believe? I can assure you, it is usually very different. 

   We must come to understand that when someone says they believe baptism is necessary, it does not mean they believe it is essential. This is not just a case of semantics. My discussion with this “pastor” once again revealed this glaring misunderstanding of New Testament baptism that I have seen so many times. 

   When it comes to various religious beliefs concerning baptism, believe it or not, “necessary” and “essential” are actually two very different things. I am writing this to hopefully help more of us understand this critical difference. 

   I have been told many times, by brethren leaving the church to join other religious groups, that the group they are joining believes baptism is necessary. Strangely, other practices in these groups, like instrumental music and/or women elders, that lack Scriptural authority, do not seem to bother them. They do not understand the critical difference between saying baptism is necessary, as opposed to saying it is essential. Surprisingly, this sometimes occurs even with those who have been members of the church for years! I truly hope this writing will help clarify the difference. My dear brethren, baptism is more than necessary, it is essential

   As my discussion with this “pastor” continued, he explained the necessity of baptism as being seen in the fact that Jesus was baptized. In his mind, because Jesus was baptized, it is necessary for those who follow Him today to also be baptized. While this kind of thinking makes baptism a necessity, it does not see it as being essential

   I remember having this same discussion several years ago with a minister of a large community church. He told me baptism was something their group required of new members.

They too, believed it to be necessary. When I asked if he believed baptism was essential for 

salvation, he said, “Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” 

   Baptism is not considered essential to these people because this kind of teaching says an individual is saved prior to being baptized. I recently saw this displayed in a YouTube video. As an individual was about to be baptized, the baptizer made it clear to all watching that he was not being baptized for his salvation, but as an outward sign of his faith. Once again, necessary versus essential.  

  Relating to his own conversion, the “pastor”  with whom I was having this discussion, told me he had received Christ months before being baptized. In other words, he was saved prior to being immersed. I asked, “How could that be? The Bible says very clearly we are baptized into Christ.”  As an example, I referred him to these words of the apostle Paul:

For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ (Galatians 3:27 ). 

   According to Paul, it is baptism that puts a person into Christ. So, how does one receive Christ prior to the act of immersion? The truth is, whether one wants to accept it or not, no one is added to Christ without proper New Testament baptism! The passage referenced above is clear proof of this important truth, as are many others. Consider the following truths from Scripture regarding the essential nature of baptism:

  • Baptism is Essential for the Forgiveness of our Sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16). 

  • Baptism is Essential to Bury the Old Self and Rise to Newness of Life (Rom. 6:4). 

  • Baptism is Essential to Be Born Again (John 3:3; 1 Peter 1:23). 

  • Baptism is Essential to Be Added Into Christ (Rom. 6:3; Gal. 3:27). 

  • Baptism is Essential to Be Clothed with Christ (Gal. 3:27). 

  • Baptism is Essential to Be Saved (John 3:5; Mark 16:16; 1 Peter 3:21).  

  • Baptism is Essential to Be Obedient to God (Matt. 28:19; Acts 10:48; James 2:20). 

   As you can hopefully see, water baptism into Christ is more than necessary, it is essential. Perhaps, we would do well to change our own terminology. Instead of talking about the necessity of baptism, we should rather stress its essential nature. In fact, I almost titled this article “Baptism is Not Necessary.”   

   Don’t be fooled by seeing people immersed into water and think it is New Testament baptism! Ask, when is the person being baptized saved? Is it prior to their baptism, or as a result of their obedient faith, following their being baptized into Christ? In the Bible, no sinner, this side of the cross, was ever saved prior to being baptized. The same is true today.

  New Testament baptism is so much more than just being immersed in water. John the Baptist immersed people. His baptism was no longer acceptable after the preaching of the Gospel in Acts chapter two (cf. Acts 18:25-26; 19:1-7). 

  Don’t be deceived by the popular teaching that says we are baptized because Jesus was baptized. We are not baptized because Jesus was baptized! As illustrated, we are baptized for so many essential reasons. Remember: Baptism is more than necessary, it is essential, as are all the steps of God’s plan of salvation. 


An Imbalanced Christian Life